Plaza de la Independencia

Plaza de la Independencia *

Independence Square, in Quito.
Country Ecuador
Type Cultural
Criteria ii, iv
Reference 2
Region ** Latin America and Caribbean
Inscription history
Inscription 1978 (2nd Session)
* Name as inscribed on World Heritage List
** Region as classified by UNESCO

Independence Square, also known as Big Square (Spanish: Plaza de la Independencia, Plaza Grande). Historic public square of Quito (Ecuador), located in the heart of the old city. This is the central square of the city and one of the symbols of the executive power of the nation. Its main feature is the monument to the independence heroes of August 10, 1809, date remembered as the First Cry of Independence of the Royal Audience of Quito from spanish monarchy. The environment of the square is flanked by the Carondelet Palace, the Metropolitan Cathedral, the Archbishop's Palace, the Municipal Palace and the Plaza Grande Hotel.



Although the first colonial town square was what today is known as Plazoleta Benalcázar, this has always been considered as tentative as it got up a path suitable for novice Spanish town of Quito. It was only in the sixteenth century, in the year 1612, when the powers of the city moved to the area around the Plaza Grande, they decided to call this way for being the largest at the time.


Initially it was just an esplanade of packed dirt that was placed in a water source to supply the vital liquid to the neighbors. Being larger than the tentative square, and unemployed land still be around, some institutions decided to stand on its flanks. Thus the Catholic Church acquired land in the north and south sides, where they built the main temple of the city (Cathedral of Quito) and the headquarters of the archdiocese (Archbishop's Palace).

One of the founders of the city, the Captain Juan de Díaz Hidalgo, reserved to himself a lot on the corner of the square near the Archbishop's Palace, where he built his home (the only private building that endures to this day) that palace would later be called Palacio Hidalgo. Other families, also founders of the town, occupied the western end, but after the earthquake of 1627, were overturned by the serious damage that occurred in structures, and instead built the Palacio de Carondelet.

Finally, on the eastern side of the square was constructed the structure for the nascent city council, construction was also demolished in the 1970s to build the city hall known as Municipality of Quito, for if it fulfills the same functions as the original, is a modern building.

Sixteenth to nineteenth centuries

For several centuries after its founding, the Plaza Grande it was nothing but a paved plaza with a beautiful fountain in the center, around which rose at times a makeshift bullring to celebrate some festivities offered by the council on behalf of the Spanish crown.

Only in the eighteenth century it thinks of the place as a true square, the style of European cities. The president of the Royal Audience of Quito conceived the square landscapes, to serve as a garden for the Palacio de Carondelet. The palace topped its steps in the square and prohibited the passage of carts through the western edge of the square, which was next to Carondelet.

The square was reformed again in the early nineteenth century; withdraw the steps of the palace, now ended in the side streets of the building, and enabled again the passage of cars by the then called Calle de las 7 Cruces (now Garcia Moreno).

Modern period

After continuous interventions by the authorities of the city, Ecuadorian President Eloy Alfaro ordered the construction of a monument to commemorate the centenary of the first cry of independence. The sculpture was commissioned in 1898 to France, and finished putting in the center of the square, where once was the fountain that was moved to the southwest of the square.

In a public act in 1906, the president and the mayor unveiled the monument which was named as the Independence Monument and change the colonial name of the square by the Plaza de la Independencia. Since then few or minor changes have been made in the square, which retains its importance until today.


The square is flanked on all sides by different buildings, all except the municipality, was originally built in the colonial era. Equally all, except the Palace Hidalgo, are public. These buildings are:

In addition, at the outer corners of the Plaza Grande set are four main buildings:


The square is surrounded by the following four streets: Calle Venezuela (east), Calle Chile (north), Calle Gabriel García Moreno (west) and the pedestrian segment of Calle Eugenio Espejo (south).
